Three Characteristics of High Quality no noise bopp tape

The application of no noise bopp tape solves the problem of using tape with high noise to a certain extent. no noise bopp tape is a great invention for people who need to use tape to work everyday.
How to choose high quality no noise bopp tape?Usually we consider the following three aspects:
Adhesion:This is probably the most important property of no noise bopp tape.There are some special materials that require special tape to do the bonding work.How well does it stick to the materials you need to secure?
Strength: The strength of the no noise bopp tape is limited. The most typical case in this respect is the convenience sticker. So it is very important to choose the no noise bopp tape with enough strength for your material.
Ease of use:Every time it takes a lot of time to fight tape? The tape often cracks and cannot be ripped off completely. Say goodbye to these hard-to-use no noise bopp tapes!
As we often say, if you want to be good at your work, you must first use the right tools. Choose the High Quality no noise bopp tape that suits you best.