What is super clear bopp tape?
 Nov 13, 2018|View:143

Super clear bopp tape is without a doubt one of the most widely used types of adhesive tapes in the world. Super clear bopp tape is categorized as a pressure-sensitive tape, meaning that the adhesive properties of the tape are enacted by nothing more than putting pressure on the tape when applied.

An emulsion based acrylic material is used for the adhesive aspect of Super clear bopp tape and furthermore, the non-adhesive side of BOPP film is comprised of the release agent which makes tape easy to manipulate and work with. Priming material is utilized on the side where the adhesive will be applied to stimulate bonding with the film. After the completion of the priming process, the adhesive in the form of liquid is applied to film in thin layers and rolled into long, high-temperature ovens to finish the process. The liquid ultimately evaporates after the adhesive liquid sits in the hot ovens and only the adhesive will left.

What is super clear bopp tape?

Though Super clear bopp tape adhesive comes in various widths, the most common size is of width 48mm or 1.88 inches. The normal length of an average roll of super clear adhesive is about 50 meters. It is best for long-term storage due to its versatility and utility. The major quality of the super clear tape is that it will not become brittle or turn yellow with years like other inferior tape products. This is resistant to UV rays and keeps its elasticity for the longest time.

We deal in Super clear bopp tapes which is Biaxially Oriented Polypropylene (BOPP) film coated with water-based adhesive. Brown and Transparent colors available. Superior adhesion properties, holding force, tensile strength required for sealing of cartons to make them pilfer proof. Ensure consistent, reliable seals, including a closure of high recycled content corrugated. Ready to ship, move and store well. Provides security, strength and sealing solution for both domestic and industrial needs.

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